by Robert Sievert


Hotel Dixie And The Moon (1973)

Amazon on Broadway (1996)
For years Myron Heise has painted New York City. His vision incorporates those things that seemed at the time quintessential "City": Newsstands, subway platforms,and the flashy night life along the tenderloin. Who at the time would think that someday these things would only be "sweet memory".

Giuliani's tenure as mayor wiped out most of the world Heise portrayed and now his images seem to document a world that once was. Even his subway scenes are placed in retrospect by the new "artier" stations with art and installations.

Still Heise's work conveys a heartfelt take on the city with it's painterly style somewhere between folk and formalism.


Subway: Frozen Time (1991)

Santa Trinità (1964)

Hansen's Blacksmith Shop (1983)
  Copyright © 2002 Robert Sievert