Featured Artist:

Andrea Phillips

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Troubled Woman


The work of painter and collagist Andrea Phillips has an unusual degree of finish and intensity. She creates whole worlds, in which protagonists dance their way through spaces of complex imagery and unrelenting detail.

But her work goes beyond technical accomplishment. Her images are poetic and moving. In the middle of a brightly colored, cheerful scene, stands a woman, clearly distraught ("Troubled Woman", collage, 19" x 22"). The woman is oblivious to the sizzling detail that surrounds her and the bright spring day that lies outside her door. She is in the grip of some torment that does not allow her the grace of the natural world.

An untitled 13" x 13" collage from 1984 exudes the razzle dazzle of Broadway with the simplest of means. A lone figure steps boldly into the picture against a field of shimmering pink light and approaches a theater wall covered with posters. This is art.

One cannot help but admire the exquisite craft of this work. The meticulous technique is invisible, as one is caught up in the ride of the imagination. One does not see the snips of her scissors, the touch of her brush, or the line of her pencil: what one sees is this incredibly involving imaginative world of figures, interacting with structures of patterned floors, flowering trees and ornate wall paper.

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Copyright © Andrea Phillips 1999

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